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  • You don't only have one day left to contact @Jen_Kay or @Serenity and resolve it, or to sign up with Rebecca for coaching. He's trying to talk you into submission. The "I would but you didn't ---" is a classic move when someone doesn't want to do th…
    in telyni's MAP Comment by Angeline 1:43PM
  • That last one took me a minute. Just keep looking at it.
  • Any other time of year and I'd join the chorus to next him too, but it's hard to give the smackdown because someone wants to see their kid the day  before Christmas. 
  • @Husband3point0, you may have been out of it for a long time, but you did manage to find and marry a wife. There are dating bloggers out there who have been at it for 10 years and are still single, bitching about online dating. Just consider the sou…
  • And actually I am also saying talk less and date more. This isn't a male/female thing at all, it's common sense. @TheBoringGirl, whatever books or websites you choose to research dating and girl game, make sure you're getting advice from people who…
  • By trying to select for an unreasonable condition up front, you're selecting for people who are OK with being sexless, or lie. Or they "ghost" on you. The normal ones, with reasonable sex lives and boundaries click past you and you never even know i…
  • Mostly, except that you are responding with anger and emotion, which is like pouring gasoline on a fire. Practice a few, short statements: That you will be walking away from childish behavior and giving her space until she decides to act like an …
  • Well ... except it isn't working for you, @TheBoringGirl.  Having a bit of stage fright and nerves over hoping a date goes well doesn't automatically mean you've lied about your height or your hunchback or your mother waiting in the car. I think a …
  • EANx said: Angeline said: LL80 said: And, as also mentioned a few pages ago, my assumption when I do see a genuinely attractive man is that he is probably a mean asshole. Not like the fun "asshole" a lot of you strive to be. …
  • Elaine dancing!
  • I do remember you saying that, and I hope it comes from a place of hoping for fun, not defeatism. I usually wasn't nervous once things got going, but beforehand I'd be wired. I'm sure no one believes that, either lol. 
  • @forestleaf, I have some seriously adorable grandchildren, but your youngest gabbed a little tiny piece of my heart too. She is so cute.
  • Hey @Rorschach ::: Shakes shoulders ::: Whew! Haven't done that in a while!
  • So good to hear from you! Thanks for stopping by. I've been reading through some old posts before they disappear, and your name and sound advice kept popping up.  Best of luck to you, and welcome home.
  • I think it's always a good idea to wear a suit to an interview, but it can still fit well and be stylish. In your comment it seems that you equate a suit with sloppy and stodgy, but it doesn't have to be.
  • Don't hover around the edges of the room, looking to hide near a wall, walk right through the middle of the place. Smile big at everyone you pass. Of course you'll be nervous. Everyone is nervous on a first date, everyone. Be light and breezy and ch…
  • Arrive about 3-5 minutes late so you can strut-walk into the place like you just fucking bought it.
  • Haha! That was fun to read again, and it brought me to this epic thread. So perfect.  http://marriedmansexlife.vanillacommunities.com/discussion/3534/speeding-up-the-map/p1
  • Great triage, thanks for answering!
  • Goddammit, woman. You are already on your back foot if you think of your height as something you need to warn people about.  Wear heels. Stand tall. Think of yourself as a glorious Viking, or as I've suggested numerous times, Wonder Woman. There is…
  • When you talk that much to someone ahead of time, you get all invested and build some attachment before it's warranted, as you found out with insecure guy. What Templar said is a good strategy. Just go out with various guys with the goal of practici…
  • By intimacy do you mean sex? We use the real words here.  An elephant would be child sexual abuse, years of drug use, bulimia, stuff like that.  Here are the triage questions. You're welcome to answer them and see what kind of help you can get.  …
  • monkeydog said: Angeline said: You aren't fucked up, you just didn't want to quit. That is the single biggest predictor of success, not what method and certainly not how many years. My mom smoked for over 60 years. Cdr. Awesome smoked …
  • We totally have bought that^. Cdr. Awesome's accent magically appears as he waxes poetic about spotted dick. He would not admit he was amused by me asking if spotted dick was anything like side boob.