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  • Re: Sexual Aversion/Open Marriage

    _io said:
    Pregnancy.  Don't.
    Slim chance of that, I had a vasectomy a few years ago.
  • Re: Sexual Aversion/Open Marriage

    fordsvt said:
    This must have been a hard day for you.  Codos for taking the high road. Not the easiest way but the mature way of living life. 
    Good job
    It could have been but it turned out well. I spent it out of town with family and friends who had plenty of kids for my sons to play with. My STBX and I also talked briefly yesterday.
  • Re: Sexual Aversion/Open Marriage

    Update: I declined the invite. She was dissapointed but didn't press it.

    Also, I told my kids (her step children) tonight about the split. They didn't understand why. They said they thought we'd be married forever because we never fought and were always nice to each other. I told them there's more to marriage than simply being nice all the time...you have to want the same core things in a marriage. I gave them an example of a spouse who wants kids when the other doesn't at all...they may be the most loving couple but that is an issue big enough to split them later on if they can't ever agree or compromise. 
  • Re: Sexual Aversion/Open Marriage

    DaddyOh said:
    It doesn't get any more direct then A/B. You go back to square one if you ask her "Are you sure about this?"

    Are you bluffing? Because she believes you are. 

    Its OK if you miss her. But this MAP is about you. It's not about concerning yourself over her well being, how she feels, Who's she with, etc.

    And when hen she asks you whether you'll miss her. Respond with "I won't miss the drama". 
    I have stuck to my guns and not backtracked or asked if she's sure. It's been her asking me and my answer has been the same: Do you still choose B? If so, then yes I'm sure. At one point she said the language was too strong in the A choice, I said it was meant to be and I stand by it.
  • Re: Sexual Aversion/Open Marriage

    My wife had a talk with her mom this morning. Her mother was begging her to try to work things out.

    Later she asked me if I still wanted to go through with it. I told her if she still feels the same way about my expectations, then yes. She said she still feels the same.

    Later her mom called me and asked why we can't work it out. I told her I didn't want to get into details but we have a different perspective on boundaries. She said she wasn't going to pry but that she understands what I mean and that she knows her daughter has some growing up to do. I told her that I still want to be married and I have fought for it, but it's on her whether we work things out.