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Sunny SoCal
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  • Re: My story - a triage too late

    I have a perspective that may be useful to you.

    I am divorced and had several custody battles with my ex.  After our first custody clash, the judgement gave me less time than I wanted, and my ex more time than I would have preferred. After a few weeks of this new schedule, it because clear my ex didn't really want all that much time with our children; he simply wanted to keep me from having more time with them because 1. he was afraid the time calculation would mean I would get more money in child support and 2. he is a spiteful asshole who simply wants to keep me from getting what I want.  It turned out since he didn't actually want that much time with the kids, I ended up having them a lot more than our official custody schedule prescribed. 
  • Re: Update From Dr Strangelove

    The situation you are in is called hostile dependency. Essentially it means your wife is dependent upon you because she cannot function on her own, so she resents being obligated to you. She understands you don't have a relationship of equals. She is acting out because she is scared of being abandoned (in her mind), scared of having to actually grow up and be an adult. Expect it to get a lot worse. 
  • Re: Roses' MAP

    You're right, Roses. I should have read more carefully. I maintain my assertion that your kids could attend public school and still have time for additional chores. 

    Your husband treats you with overt disrespect. He is neglectful of your needs and family needs. He is verbally and emotionally abusive. 

    Your children treat you with overt disrespect. 

    Your parents treat you with overt disrespect. 

    I see so much of myself and my mother in you, it hurts. You were taught from the earliest age to serve serve serve and you never did enough, were never good enough. You married a man who is happy to carry on this tradition because hey, it's a great deal for him. Your children are observing this and believe this is normal. You are training your sons to be lazy and neglectful and abusive to their women. You are training your daughters to put up with abuse and disrespect from their man. 

    You are so invested in this image of yourself you fight against the idea it could be different. 

    I wish you could see yourself the way I see you. You are incredibly strong and patient and compassionate and much more powerful than you realize! You have the power inside you to improve your life and improve the way other people treat you. Until you are able to say to yourself, "I count! I matter!," you will continue to spin your wheels. You will be resentful, neglected, disrespected, and poverty stricken. 
  • Re: Comfortable and sexy shoes and/or boots

    Torrid.com carries shoes in wider widths at reasonable prices. 
  • Re: Forestleaf's Mindful Action Plan

    Oh, me! Pick me!

    1. Keep wearing your night guard!
    2. Ask your dentist/MD for a Rx for Flexeril. Taking a muscle relaxant for a few nights can sometimes reset that clenching or grinding tendency. 
    3. Do you take any antidepressant, antianxiety, antipsychotic, or other psychoactive medications? Those are notorious for causing teeth grinding. 
    4. Eliminate all stress from your life. (If only!)
    5. Join the Facebook page Fascia Blasters and search for TMJ to see posts and videos of people who have successfully dealt with this issue. 