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  • Re: Giraffe With Restless Legs

    I notice that I get treated differently by tradesmen depending on how I am dressed. You might run an experiment-dressed nicely and feminine versus dressed about to go hunting and see if you get different results. 
  • Re: Roses' MAP

    @Frillyfun To make $100 a week the easiest thing would be more students. I have two, at $30/hour, and they come to my house, so there's only taxes between gross and net. Five more would make $105, since most students do half-hour lessons. The only problem is I don't know how to successfully advertise or how many more potential students are in the area looking for a teacher. I am listed with the local music stores as a teacher. Because I play in the symphony the university prof knows me and sends people my way. That hasn't amounted to very many.
    Agree, @Purple I can't fix him. But I can believe it's him and really, certainly, not me, if that makes any sense. Everyone has always agreed-including his parents and siblings-that he has a brilliant memory. It's really hard to get out of the habit of defering to his recollections.  Add to that my zero face memory . . . I have little confidence my mind is telling me truth.
    I may need to drop the co-op at the end of the year (runs Sept-May). I've loved having the kids there, but it doesn't seem like a very good fit in some ways, not least of which that it turns Thursdays into Mondays. But it's also really been eye opening in seeing how other families interact. (Possibly my husband's biggest 'mistake' in not rocking his boat was telling me I should look at what other home schooling women's husbands are doing. It's one thing to see it on the forum, where I know most relationships aren't working right, and another to see it in relationships that are.)
    Someone asked where I got nine hours for public school and homework. Assuming an average one hour of homework, the school busses come by at seven am and four pm. Did I add wrong?
    I feel guilty because my kids don't do nearly as many extra curriculars as I did. Like they're missing out on things they should be getting.
    My older two have been doing an entrepreneurship unit through co-op and probably have most of the necessary skills in their box, or will by the end of the year. Oldest wants to sell his drawings, second wants to cook special order take out meals.  (14&12, not quite realistic here.)  I bake all our bread. Maybe that would be a product to start with. I have no idea if anyone would buy it: I never see anyone eating home made bread. I looked into what a farmer's market booth would cost a couple years ago-we often have extra eggs, and dang are they expensive. Seems like you need several thousand to really start anything.
    I'll look into the cottage kitchen thing, I think that passed a couple years ago here but I have some recollection it only applies to canned goods . . .
  • Re: Roses' MAP

    Yeah, the gaslighting thing.  I'm re-examining a lot of things in light of that. Was anything ever real?
  • Re: Roses' MAP

    Mom has next week off. She has plans to upholster six chairs. But what she needs to do is finalize a bunch of stuff on the remodel. So I need to make that happen.
    Dad is being non-compliant with his meds and stress drinking.
    Sibling rivalry is hitting the 18 degrees out and no snow point of intensity.
    And husband, well, wanted sex sometime in the wee hours of the morning and got a "no, I'm sleeping." which had to be repeated, but then he let me sleep. There's been no us-time, though there was an international programs potluck we attended last night, there was no interaction between us.
    Reading a book called Love and Respect. If the author is right that what men want is respect, or if even some men want respect and my husband is one of them, well, that's a problem, because I absolutely don't respect him. Add it to the food for thought pile, while I remind him over and over to get the HSA balance because I don't want to use the card with out knowing if the account's good for the transaction!
  • Re: Roses' MAP

    Crashaxe posted "I believe that mental injuries are like Alcoholism, in that the person with the mental injury never truly sheds the problem, and needs to work at maintaining their mental health every day for the rest of their life to make sure that they don't relapse." down in the guilt thread in off-topic. 

    That's probably it. I assumed that when the nightmares stopped the PTSD from the civil war was no longer an issue. I guess it's time to check out everything the library has on the subject. He refuses to see anyone for even marriage counseling, so I think he know's something's wrong and doesn't want to acknowledge it. He said something yesterday about being about ready to just quit his job. I suggested he look at the hiring websites and he wasn't interested in bothering. Said something about he'll probably end up in jail, which was really kind of wtf? Why would anyone say anything like that? Something is really wrong, and he said that in front of the girls (2&5).

    On the other medical front, his compliance with the CPAP is good, but he's still having too many apnea incidents so they turned the pressure up from 7 to 15. I have no idea what the units on that are. He's also having leakage issues.