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  • Re: Giraffe With Restless Legs

    I notice that I get treated differently by tradesmen depending on how I am dressed. You might run an experiment-dressed nicely and feminine versus dressed about to go hunting and see if you get different results. 
  • Re: Roses' MAP

    Construction is chugging along. Mudder has been here all weekend doing his thing. But the new county mandated and approved septic is creating mud, when ground everywhere else is frozen solid. Seems wrong to me, but the contractor thinks that's normal. The old septic never showed any presence on the surface.
    Symphony and children's choir concerts went well. Just Nutcracker to go.
    I didn't volunteer for something associated with kids' activities. I'm proud of myself.
    Husband has not said word one to me about the passwords. The kids have complained that Daddy doesn't have the passwords. Tough. 
    Eldest volunteered for decorating a table for a party, then informed me he needed the computer to make his decorations. "Well, you're grounded until the 31st, so you'll have to do something else.'  He's grumbled a bit. I reminded him to make his decorations over the weekend and left it at that.
    Eldest and Second missed an event Saturday that they hadn't told me about but probably would have missed anyway due to being unable to be in multiple locations at one time. On the one hand, they're only fourteen and twelve and how can I expect them to remember stuff? On the other, I had a job (teaching, public school after school music program) and was taking university courses at fourteen (Astronomy, Zoology), so surely they can remember stuff? So when it comes up, as it inevitably will, why didn't I track their activity for them, that's my reason. I could figure out lesson plans and take exams and give tests at fourteen, he can remember a party!
    Last week of crazy Christmas performance season. Made a big pot of chili last night that we'll have again tonight. (The adults who whine about eating the same dinner two days in a row aren't volunteering to cook.)
    I went through a stash of fabric a friend gifted me when cleaning out her sewing room and found the perfect Christmas gift for Mom. (Easily $1000+ of fabric, plus patterns, buttons . . .) Just need to cut it out and whip it together. Won't take more than a couple hours max.
    Monkey One: keep upbeat. Went pretty well. Doesn't come naturally. Continuing.
    Monkey Two: enforce kids bedtimes as much as possible around shows.
    Monkey Three: get myself to bed by ten or as soon as possible post-rehersals/performances.
  • Re: Roses' MAP

    @frillyfun there's a difference in having kids shovel snow and yelling at them right when I wake them up for not having done it yet. Let them eat and put on clothes.  Not like Dad ever shoveled any snow anyway: Mom and I did it.
    Lights are not important to me until after performances are over. Everyone will survive until the eighteenth of December without outdoor lights. If she wants them sooner she can do them herself. She refuses to have any indoor decorations until after Dad's birthday on the eleventh anyway.
    Going to public school would make it impossible for them to do extra chores. School time plus two hours bus plus homework. Nine additional hours out of the house plus homework on top can not free up time.
  • Re: Situation with an infant

    Five of my six were born a size larger and stayed that way. I don't think it is growing pains. How is she at burping? So hard to get #1 to burp, by #6 it was easy. I think babies sense how stressed you are and react, and by #6 it was pretty much well, now she's born I can move around so it's easier than still being pregnant with her. Could it be colic? Have you asked baby's physician if this is a normal level of crying? Is baby getting over stimulated? Can you/wife turn all the sounds and moving lights off and quiet the house?
    Does she have a good breast pump? Will grandma next door babysit for a bit? Half an hour to the coffee shop, not day trip to the mountains.
    You have a three month old. You haven't gotten laid for three months. It's hormones, plus the first six weeks her physician said no. What's baby's sleep schedule? If she's waking every two hours to eat, can you have your wife pump a bottle and send her to get four hours of uninterupted sleep, maybe eight pm to twelve am, and you study and give the baby the bottle at ten pm? You can put the baby in a chest sling and wear her while you study.
    Other people talked about ppd. Don't ignore them!
  • Re: Parents of older kids - finding the time

    Not a morning person, but it seems to me that the obvious thing for you would be morning before kids are up. So why not then? Does your door lock?