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  • Re: telyni's MAP

    Oh my gosh yes.  The Instant Pot is one of My Favorite Things.  

    And I'll just ditto everything else @Angeline said. :)  My family eats leftovers.  My dh is not fond of leftovers.  This fact really does not affect me.  Leftovers happen and they need to be eaten.  
  • Re: Situation with an infant

    ^ Same.  I'm pretty shameless about snitching babies, and they always settle for me.  That book is magic.  There is a DVD too.
  • Re: Forestleaf's Mindful Action Plan

    I understand.  I happily voted for Clinton and am very disappointed in the election results.  I think we're seeing the start of an uptick in hate crime, much like Britain experienced following the Brexit vote.  Several of my friends have been on the receiving end of this, and it's pretty horrifying.

    But.  While we see an increase in the expression of racism, it's really not new.  It was already there, and was just a matter of time until we saw it more fully.

    Perhaps more importantly, I do not for a minute believe that it represents the majority of Trump supporters.  I now live in a rural farming area in a red, red county.  The people here are such good people.  Like, good to the point that I can tear up thinking about it.  They are hard-working, salt of the earth, kind, generous people.  They've also been on a staggering downward trajectory in their ability to lead a modest, secure, middle-class life.  For them, this is not about Republicans or Democrats or immigrants or anything of the sort.  Rather, it was about the utter frustration of being ignored by the higher-ups everywhere.  It was about being dismissed and looked down upon, and told that their concerns aren't valid because they don't compare to others.  So they voted for the first candidate who actually spoke *to* them.  Who heard them.  Because no one else has.  They are not hateful people, nor do they want to build themselves up on the backs of others.  All they want is to be able to have a full time job and a small home and the ability to not struggle so damn much all the time.  

    Think on these people, because they are the ones who truly decided this election.  The racists and misogynists may be the most vocal on Twitter, but they are not this nation.  Remember the good people who are. 
  • Re: Bra Fitting Adventures

    The woman posted above looks fantastic and even if she didn't, she does not deserve critique. 

    On a thread dedicated to women finding appropriate undergarments no matter their shape and size, let's refrain from body shaming/bashing other women.  :)

  • Re: Roses' MAP

    Stop explaining and justifying yourself.  Seriously, just stop.  Don't plan canned answers, don't try to be snarky.  Just stop.  Christmas is not a competition.  Parenting isn't either, btw.  