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  • Re: Where to start?

    The two of you are codependent.  You don't have two frames.  You have one frame that you constantly war over.  Frankly, as educated and professionally successful as you both are, I've worked with more mature grocery clerks.   You guys are stuck at approximately age 15.  I would seriously consider coaching, because you guys are getting nowhere.

    By the way, 6 or 7 is not failing.  That's still above average. 

    Edited to remove snark.
  • Re: Zot's Intro and Triage. Possible EA on Wife's Part

    Speaking in tongues is a red flag.  In the bible, the Christian church spoke in tongues so they could communicate the good news to people of all nationalities.  There was no "mystery" languages.  If you can't understand your pastor, run away.  Who knows what he's saying.
  • Re: 18 and married

    You are falling down on the job as a husband.  You are not a leader in your marriage.  You are simply drifting.  

    You have passed the stage in your life where you should be sitting around smoking marijuana most evenings.  That's kid stuff.  What are you doing to be the kind of man a wife would respect and look up to, the kind of man she would work to please?

  • Re: What if this is as good as it gets?

    Your frame is still not where you need it to be. You have not reached "Nirvava" of frame. Keep at it.
  • Re: Discussing Communication and Conflict Issues for Atheists Married to Christians

    JellyBean said:
    @JemStone‌ said: "Just because you have knowledge I don't have, or vice versa, doesn't make either side more or less superior. Just because I can speak french and you can speak german doesn't mean I'm better than you or you better than me. It just means we are in different places with our knowledge. "

    You use the word knowledge here but the proper word you need is faith.

    Your comparison of religious faith to fluency in a foreign language is flawed. I may not speak Japanese, but I could apply myself and learn it over time. To suggest that I don't have religious faith because I just haven't gained enough information or understanding is deeply insulting.

    I'm not an atheist because I lack information or facts or knowledge. I'm an atheist because I reject religious faith.

    But why would you be deeply insulted? So, he thinks there is something else you're missing. You disagree. I'm not deeply insulted that a large number of atheists think I'm stupid. I'm not deeply insulted that a large number of Christians think I'm a heretic for not believing God is a trinity. I'm not insulted that a large number of Muslims think I'm an infidel. I accept that all those people think they know better than me and have knowledge I'm missing. And vice versa.

    You think you know better than him. If you didn't, you wouldn't be an atheist; you'd be whatever he is.

    Edited to change all my feminine pronouns to masculine. @JemStone‌, your cute little orange slices always trip me up.