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  • Re: George's Island

    Has occurred to me: (1) my current work situation - partly very distressing HR issues - is more stressful than I realized and it's probably impacting me far more than I would admit or let anyone know.  Noticing physical symptoms.  Sleep problems linked to work stress.  So reached out to mentors and friends and making plans for some changes (2) the obstscles to more frequent sex - illnesses, travel, work, kids things, family emergencies, etc - are a part of my life that is unlikely to change right now.  Better to focus on enjoying fun together during pre and post days, improving the in between time and not being too frustrated, (3) Need to maintain positive outets for stress and find some new ones, (4) need to improve communication - no long talks, but just expressing myself enough that I don't need to carry around the negative feelings.  
  • Re: Forestleaf's Mindful Action Plan

    The "choosing to be happy" thing - or in my case the "choosing to be fun" thing is something I've struggled with.  Yes. Absolutely. Choose it.  Make those choices. Surround yourself with happy people.  Find happy places.  I know that's critical.  But in the end the general set point is mostly biology.  Some people are just mostly happy no matter what.  Some no so much. I guess we accept it or try to change it.  Changing the set point takes time.  For me - just my perspective theses days - it would be like waking up and choosing to have a really good liver function and kidney day.
    Angeline[Deleted User]Templar
  • Re: How to Nuke a Beta Orbiter?

    Mention it to his coworkers (So does X have issues with women in the office?  He's sure out my wife in a tough spot with all the sexual talk.  You know all the Skyping and talk about her nipples.  Has he always been like that?).  Then say, hold on I should give him a chance to explain, walk over, and tell him off directly, calmly....while everyone watches. 

    Have a calm discussion with your wife about why she would tolerate sexual harassment.  Let her know she shouldn't and doesn't need to.  That crap isn't good for her personal or professional situation or her state of mind. You're sure she can handle it herself but you're there is she wants you to take care of it.

    Leaving his job as you wife's boss for a position across the street at a different company means he could continue to behave improperly without fearing HR.

    Crush his soul.
  • Re: Help talk me down...

    This seems to indicate that it would be possible for this to happen without your wife being involved.  But again I'm not expert. 


  • Re: Choosing a DHV automobile (or at least avoiding a DLV-mobile)

    Awesome that you can take the train and bus now! And nice to have extra garage space.

    Too bad that green cars are perceived as DLV. I guess DHVs are about showing you have access to more-than-the-normal-share of resources. Good for attracting the ladies, not so good for the planet.

    Having said that, if you have a 4 mile commute you could drive almost anything and be 'green'.

    The recent safety ratings for the little compacts were disappointing, esp if you're putting kids in 'em. I'd go for used but safe, clean, fun, and interesting. How about a Volvo sedan? Safe. Heated seats! Looks good with a roof rack.

    I know. Kinda boring. But I'm big on the safety thing for the kids.....