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  • Re: Just for fun - pictures

    Pepperoni would have been in short supply by then.  I wonder if they used liverwurst?
  • Re: Advice wanted - how to lead *and* create RC around an important topic

    Is there any reason this HAS to be booked now?  You're obviously butthurt over the election 16 days ago.  Would your demeanour be better in a couple months, a year?  Four years?

    I'm being half facetious, obviously.  But why not wait a couple or 3 months and take another look?
  • Re: I need help

    Oy.  OK, I can relate.  Hang on.  This could get rough.

    I married a horsewoman.  There was no man on the planet happier than me the day I married her. I teared up when I saw her walking down the aisle hand-in-hand with my step-kids.

    9 months into the marriage she abandoned me physically and emotionally because she suddenly decided she had enough energy for me or the horses and the horses were more important.  

    Of course, she never told me that.  After almost 4 years of doing anything and everything to try to recover a marriage when I had no clue what the problem was, I left.  That was almost 7 years ago.  I walked away from everything I ever worked for in my life and started completely over at age 50, simply because I couldn't emotionally handle the prospect of having to fight her in court.  The adoration and love I felt for that woman mutated into pure, unadulterated hatred.  

    I knew about her passion for horses, too, and I supported it.  But I never, ever expected that I would be replaced by it.  If the horses were so important, where was the emotional abuse and disrespect while we were dating?  She could control it, she could balance it, so why did that end after the marriage?  It was like she waited until she got the 110% commitment, because she knew I would walk if it happened during the engagement.

    Perspective-wise it's like you had an affair, but maybe worse.  Some men can recover from an affair, they can become they guy their wife wants to have an affair with (the MAP).  But how do you compete with a horse?  How do you become so awesome that your wife says "I want to ride you instead of that 1200 lb. package of muscle and steel that gives me such huge dopamine and never, ever asks anything in return!"  

    Maybe it's possible.  But I've met enough horsewomen that I believe, in most cases, it's unlikely. The vast majority of men simply cannot compete in the dopamine department.  

    You recognized it and fixed it yourself.  But that kind of resentment is hard to overcome.  Honestly, after that 4 years of Hell, I don't think there is anything that my ex could have done to make it right with me.

  • Re: Just for fun - pictures

  • Re: Sleep Apnea

    I've been on CPAP 18 years now.  Just got a new machine this week.  They upped my pressure to 14 from 10, despite my otherwise good health and weight.  My last sleep test showed a significant reduction in apnea episodes and increase in O2 levels with the higher pressure.  I have to say that after a week on the new pressure I am sleeping and feeling somewhat better.

    I've never used one of the mouthpieces, though I do have a mouth guard to stop me from grinding my teeth.

    I think this is one of those things where it might work OK in mild but not severe cases.
